Discover the workings of a real mill in the heart of the Soissonnaise countryside: set off on an exciting discovery of the most famous cereal: wheat and its transformation into flour. A unique visit that will not leave you indifferent

Discover the workings of a real mill in the heart of the Soissonnaise countryside: set off on an exciting discovery of the most famous cereal: wheat and its transformation into flour. A unique visit that will not leave you indifferent
Located 12 km from Soissons in Berzy-le-Sec, the Léchelle Field Farm presents a beautiful farmhouse typical of the Soissonnais region of the 17th century. Its owners Camille and Gaëtan will be delighted to show you the site’s operation as well as their mill.
Their agro-ecologically grown wheat allows for the manufacture of a unique flour which comes in different consumable varieties. Its assertive character, taste, as well as its authenticity make it very popular with consumers. It also has the advantage of being very easy and simple to cook!
During your group visit (booked in advance at the Tourist Office), from the local produce store, discover the modern mill that is used to produce flour.
The store offers you the range of soft wheat, small spelt, large spelt, buckwheat and barley flours. Your discovery will not stop there, you can also bring back as a souvenir a wide selection of local products from other producers such as apple juice, honeys…
We have prepared a selection to enhance your walk!