Le monument aux gardes forestiers
Places of memory
in Villers-Cotterêts
Located opposite the Croix de Dampleux forest house, on the edge of the D973 road, at the start of the laie des Huguenots and the route des Briolles, a monument, similar to an obelisk, has been erected in memory of four Eaux et Forêts rangers who died in the First World War:
- Georges Deperrois, who fell on the Champ d?Honneur on January 30, 1915. A forest crossroads now bears his name.
- Ferdinand Humbert, who died for France on October 4, 1914.
- Henri Magnan, died...Located opposite the Croix de Dampleux forest house, on the edge of the D973 road, at the start of the laie des Huguenots and the route des Briolles, a monument, similar to an obelisk, has been erected in memory of four Eaux et Forêts rangers who died in the First World War:
- Georges Deperrois, who fell on the Champ d?Honneur on January 30, 1915. A forest crossroads now bears his name.
- Ferdinand Humbert, who died for France on October 4, 1914.
- Henri Magnan, died for France, October 23, 1914.
- Charles Rambouillet, died for France on November 24, 1914.
- All year 2025